Our premium canvas and fine art prints are perfect medium to display your photographs in your home for all to enjoy. The images will be digitally retouched and the final product come ready-to-hang.

Premium Canvas Print.

High quality canvas imported from North America is made of 100% cotton and bright white in colour that is perfect for showcasing brilliant hues and sharp definition. It is sprayed with protective laminate, water and abrasion resistant that is archival rated to 75+ years without fading and stretched around a hardwood frame ready to hang.


  • Printing on archival quality canvas

  • 100% American made canvas

  • Using archival inks (75 years without fading)

  • Stretching over first grade meranti stretcher bars

  • Spraying with two coats of protective laminate

  • Taping of staples with acid free framers tape

  • Wire stretched across the back for hanging

All canvas and frames are hand-made by professional canvas and frame makers that are used in leading art galleries in Singapore.


Brilliant coloured / B&W prints on museum-grade canvas, stretched over high quality frames and ready-to-hang

Fine Art Print.

Fine art paper is a soft white paper made from 100-percent acid-free cotton rag, a surface expressly created to pick up every detail, creating the most accurate representations of photography.


  • Printing on acid-free and archival art paper

  • Using archival inks (75 years without fading)

  • Choice of textured (watercolour) or smooth paper

  • Museum-grade quality

Picture Framing.

Beautiful custom picture framing with fine art printing, ready-to-hang

All canvas and frames are hand-made by professional canvas and frame makers that are used in leading art galleries in Singapore.


To find out more about our premium canvas prints and fine art prints, please message us.